The Clairvoyants – Playing Mind Games
This clairvoyant couple demonstrates how they can read people’s minds blindfolded. Not sure how they did it but it sure got the judges and audience intrigued.
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June 6, 2016 @ 6:24 pm
That was good. i think I know how they did that. There is a special small camera under his shirt on the right side of his chest. That can see through the black material shirt. The head band has a special recording device that is very flat and flimsy with a viewing screen inside, that has a remote switch button that she can pause each image up close. I noticed each item he held, he made sure it was in view of his chest area. When he grabbed Heidi’s handbag, that’s when I was able to notice some type of device under his shirt on his right chest area. Also, the lipstick number 602 is facing toward the same area of the shirt. The screen was black when Heidi tried on the head band, not able to see. She holds his hands, to give the signal that the screen is on and working. The phone’s screen was on and also was facing toward his shirt. i guess that’s how they did it
June 14, 2016 @ 12:18 am
Nope she couldn’t have seen the number on the lipstick because it was pointing toward Heidi, and the phone was turned off when he had it. The back of the phone was pointing toward him. So how could that be? Some people are just too good when it comes to fooling people. lol