The Biggest Lies
I’ll respect you in the morning.
I’m from your government, and I am here to help you.
You get this one, I’ll pay next time.
My wife doesn’t understand me.
Trust me, I’ll take care of everything.
Of course I love you.
I am getting a divorce.
Drinking? Why, no, Officer.
I never inhaled.
It’s not the money, it’s the principle of the thing.
I never watch television except for PBS.
…but we can still be good friends.
She means nothing to me.
Don’t worry, I can go another 20 miles when the gauge
is on “empty.”
I gave at the office.
Don’t worry, he’s never bitten anyone.
I’ll call you later.
We’ll release the upgrade by the end of the year.
Read my lips: no new taxes
I’ve never done anything like this before
Now, I’m going to tell you the truth
It’s supposed to make that noise.
I *love* your new
August 12, 2009 @ 5:13 am
dats humans for you,checks and balances.
August 10, 2009 @ 5:16 am
I have also learned that when someone says “I love U” it is not always for real.
August 9, 2009 @ 6:24 am
What i learned the hard way…….Never trust someone who says………
………..”Trust Me”…………
August 8, 2009 @ 3:21 pm
My uncle is a lawyer (liar).
August 8, 2009 @ 2:13 pm
OMG…lol and to think that some people truly believe the lies before they believe the truth…great send!!!
August 8, 2009 @ 1:34 pm
They forgot “The check is in the mail” and “I’ll pay you tomorrow”
August 7, 2009 @ 7:43 pm