I can still smell Auntie Enid’s Perfume!!! we went to a fancy dress party last night and i was the Squirrel collar on her 1920’s flappers coat…. She/Auntie Enid was not too pleased though when i protested about having that fancy pin
stuck through my tail but i still managed to hang on though by digging my claws in her neck!!!! Geeez… Human skin breaks easy and that Dracula guy kept licking her neck all night…Geeez those Humans are a weird Lot…….
aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh Its Good To Be A Squirrel!!!!!
November 11, 2010 @ 4:32 am
I can still smell Auntie Enid’s Perfume!!! we went to a fancy dress party last night and i was the Squirrel collar on her 1920’s flappers coat…. She/Auntie Enid was not too pleased though when i protested about having that fancy pin
stuck through my tail but i still managed to hang on though by digging my claws in her neck!!!! Geeez… Human skin breaks easy and that Dracula guy kept licking her neck all night…Geeez those Humans are a weird Lot…….
aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh Its Good To Be A Squirrel!!!!!