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  1. david
    May 3, 2009 @ 12:36 am

    ya know ive got some hispanic in me and ya know wake up and get a life its a joke i personally thought it was pretty dam funny and in fact im gonna go back and save that so i can laugh at it later jeez man lighten up or go to a bar where people might find you amuseing it was funy jerk off


  2. laura
    May 2, 2009 @ 10:57 pm

    to lenora:
    first off, it was just a joke.
    secondly, we dont all have to ability to fix these problems. the best we can do is to make the most of every situation. making jokes about things like this are coping mechanisms. if thats how people want to deal with it, let them. you can be the one to jump up and donate your body to the cause of finding the cure. but dont be so quick to judge people who arent so willing.


  3. weird
    May 2, 2009 @ 10:18 pm

    That says it all!


  4. Savanah
    May 2, 2009 @ 6:04 pm

    just because its racist doesnt mean its not true. all racist jokes are based on somw truth so you can either get a sense of humour and laugh, or 13itch about it. Geez, Im originally from Mexico and do you c mii bitchin over it? get a life!!


  5. kinyanjui
    May 2, 2009 @ 4:58 pm

    well never been there but that is surely not funny. No one will wish to visit the unlucky country.. We had terrorist ones was not a good experience!


  6. Lue
    May 2, 2009 @ 3:51 pm

    Yeah this was a racist joke, but you just have to be careful no matter where you go in the world.


  7. nobend
    May 2, 2009 @ 3:10 pm

    Bet jesus had a sense of humour though


  8. Lenora
    May 2, 2009 @ 11:07 am

    I agree,that was not only not funny,but was very offensive.Stuff like this is why there is so much animosity in this world,and so much war.And no I am not hispanic,I am Caucasian,and have never even been to Mexico.
    Instead of making fun of problems in this world,try to help fix them!
    Jesus died to absolve us of our sins,God gave His Son,Can we not care enough not to practice racism.


  9. Kat
    May 2, 2009 @ 10:58 am

    ha ha….. LMAO! Black Humour yes, but still LMAO.


  10. Maya
    May 2, 2009 @ 10:50 am

    N0T FUNni….AT ALL


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