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  1. Lola
    September 12, 2015 @ 8:30 am

    To Rose-Marie Sommer & Sandi:

    Rose-Marie, thank you for your response and comment. I would also like to add that even if you find a wild “lone” animal without any siblings or parents around, one of two things can be done. And I have done this with a wild baby bird that got caught in my bird feeder. Let me tell you what I did with the baby bird first….PUT GLOVES ON, THAT IS WITH ANY WILD ANIMAL THAT YOU ARE PLANNING TO HANDLE AND RELEASE, OTHERWISE THE MOTHER WILL LET IT DIE ONCE RELEASED OR OTHER WILD ANIMALS WILL ATTACK IT. That being said…I put white cloth gloves on, and very gingerly had to take the bird feeder apart as I didn’t know how hurt the baby bird was, whether it had a broken neck etc. Once I got it out of the bird feeder (and I have two cats 17 years old, declawed, but think they are kittens, and also two service dogs that are lab/chow/miniature collies weighing in @ 100 lbs each.) I didn’t have a cage for the bird as I don’t take in wild life, and if I do its short term. However, before I got the baby bird out of the bird feeder I made a make-shift box with holes in it, and looked for an old towel to put at the bottom, (and I do feed outside birds in bird feeders obviously) so I put in a small amount of bird food in the bottom of the box on top of the towel. The bird was in shock, it didn’t have a broken neck, but a broken wing. With both hands I gently picked up the bird, put it in the box, and it was panting heavily. I then put it in the laundry room on top of the dryer (ALWAYS FIND A WARM PLACE WITH A DOOR TO CLOSE SO OTHER ANIMALS DON’T GET TO ANY OTHER FOUND WILD ANIMAL). I always have syringes, never give too much water at once. With warm water in a syringe I put water up to the birds beak and he opened his mouth as if mommy was giving him a worm. Only one-two drops at a time. Every 15 minutes until you have given the bird water up to an hour. After doing this for several hours (and you need a great deal of time and patience to do this, and if you don’t have time or patience, I will tell you what to do as a last resort.) The bird came out from under, never taking him out of the box, always using my cloth gloves (and wash the gloves each time after use). Once I saw after three days he was starting to flutter a bit, it meant that his wing was gradually healing. After one week and a three days, he was ready to fly. I took him outside, still in the box and put the box close to the grass further back towards the trees and waited to see if he could fly on his own. STAY AWAY FROM THE BOX A GOOD DISTANCE, BUT BE ALERT IF THERE ARE CATS ARE DOGS, DON’T LET THE BIRD LOOSE. The baby bird managed to fly out of the box, to the grass, staying there a short time. Still staying away, I saw another bird coming down towards him…it was a sparrow the same as the bird I took in. The sparrow was smelling the bird and flew away, in a few minutes two other sparrows came and did the same thing. Within ten minutes the baby was surrounded by sparrows, and one sparrow brought the baby bird a worm. (Wish I had a video to share, but try to picture this miracle). The sparrow could have been the mother or maybe just instinct to help, but THEY DO TAKE CARE OF THEIR OWN AND THOSE IN NEED. The next thing after about an hour or so, they helped the baby bird two by two to a safe place further into the woods, the next thing that was miraculous was seeing the baby fly away with the other birds. I knew that he would be safe and happy.

    Now with that being said, if you’re not certain what to do, AGAIN WEARING CLOTH GLOVES, AND PUTTING IT IN A SAFE SHELTER, TAKE IT TO THE VETS, LEAVING IT WITH THEM, OR, TO THE SPCA LEAVING IT WITH THEM. But please let the wild animals remain in the wild, that is the kindest, most compassionate thing that you can do for them. Also you don’t know if they’re rabid, or have other diseases being brought into your home. Remember without the right vaccinations for domesticated animals, wild animals etc., you can bring into your home serious germs or injury to your family and to yourself. I do hope that this assists you in your decision making about wild animals. Just remember, NEVER TOUCH A STRANGE WILD ANIMAL WITHOUT CLOTH GLOVES AS THEY WILL BE ABANDONED AND DIE ALONE. THINK ABOUT THAT BEFORE YOU THINK THAT YOU’RE HELPING THE ANIMALS, YOU’RE ACTUALLY KILLING THEM UNKNOWINGLY.

    Have a wonderful day. Keep smiling, happiness is contagious!!! Keep loving ALL ANIMALS AND CHILDREN, they are innocent and depend on us to help them, keep them safe and full of love.



  2. Rose-Marie Sommer
    September 12, 2015 @ 4:09 am

    how refreshing to read Lola’s answer to Sandi. There is so much nonsense about cuteness and other annoying descriptions of animals being bandied about. ALL small creatures are “adorable”, that’s just the way it is but they are not all suitable to live with humans. How much happier that little creature would be skulking around with its siblings. Don’t be selfish…it is selfishness when the ” I want” syndrome kicks in. There are hundreds of ” cute” kittens and puppies looking for a loving home…….


  3. Lola
    September 12, 2015 @ 1:01 am

    To Sandi:

    I’m a personal trainer and pet sitter. In answer to your question regarding “do skunks make good pets?” For the record, although it’s unusual to have a skunk for a pet, it’s possible. You need to have them “de-skunked” as babies first and foremost. The trick is getting the skunk away from its mother at the youngest age possible, sedating it from a distance, then having the procedure done. As you have seen in the video with the cat that would be loving animals, and I can guarantee you that this skunk was de-sensitized. There is no way that they would play like that if that weren’t true. However, it is best to leave the wild in the wild…my personal opinion dealing with animals. As, even though you may wish to have a wild animal, you never know if and when they would turn on you, just like domesticated cats. I have found out that angorra cats are one of the most vicious cats when you least expect it. I love angorra cats, had two for a short time, and they turned on my bed-ridden mother for no reason, and my baby. I didn’t have both cats at the same time, but found them each seperately and took them under my wing. I gave the first one away to a shelter, the second I had put down as it was so vicious we couldn’t even get near it without sedating it from a distance.

    I hope this has been of assistance to you Sandi. There are many animals that need to be adopted out of shelters, please go to a shelter and adopt one or two domesticated cats, dogs, puppies or kittens. I deal with a “no kill animal shelter”, however, some shelters only hold onto these beautiful animals for a short time and need to put them down for lack of space. Every animal needs to be loved just like people. Have a great day, keep smiling, happiness is contagious!



  4. Sandi.
    September 11, 2015 @ 6:51 pm

    Now how adorable was that video? Cuteness personified! Do skunks make good pets? I know cats do. This was great fun to watch, and the accompanying music was very peppy.


  5. Claude
    September 11, 2015 @ 6:27 pm

    That was very good. Thank you for sharing.


  6. Love
    September 11, 2015 @ 5:19 pm

    Good both won, but I think the cat really won for real.


  7. Donna
    September 11, 2015 @ 10:14 am

    that was an odd but unusual paring but cute I really enjoyed watching the video thanks for sharing.


  8. Lola
    September 11, 2015 @ 8:50 am

    You couldn’t find a sweeter video than this. Thank you for sharing.



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