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  1. Terri
    February 10, 2022 @ 3:05 pm

    I think you’re wonderful for loving this little guy so much, but please don’t let him ride in your lap in the car. If your airbag deploys he will be seriously injured or even killed. If you have a high sided bed secured on the passengers seat and turn off the air bags on that side it would be much safer and he can still see you from there. I wish both of you many happy years together. God bless.


  2. Cecile Devison
    February 10, 2022 @ 10:38 am

    When I see this kind of thing, I find it very hard to watch, as I am trying to see and read through tears, I love animals, especially dogs, and to see one mistreated and left alone , I want to jump into the computer and save them. I am so glad he or she, found such a caring person to take care of him or her. about how old is the dog?
    Thank you for sharing, and I hope the person, and I use the term loosely, watched this and know what they did. I wouldn’t trust a person like that with a child, because our pets, are not animals to us they are our children and part of our family.
    Thank you for sharing that story.. I have two dogs, and if something happened to them, I would be devastated.
    Cecile Devison;
    Roslin; Ontario.


    • Michelle O
      February 10, 2022 @ 11:25 am

      I feel the same way you do. Always loved dogs and would save any from harm. They are definitely the best part of my life.


  3. John
    February 10, 2022 @ 9:05 am

    I hate people that harm animals


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