Here’s to the Senior Dogs
Here’s to the senior dogs who’ve been there for us through the years. You can’t find a more faithful friend.
What did you think of these older faithful dogs? Please let us know in the comment section below and remember to share the video and sign up for our free newsletter!
June 6, 2017 @ 9:46 am
Can’t see the video either because it’s marked private. When I was was working as a veterinary nurse, I adopted a three legged Boston terrier missing his hind leg (hit by a car & could not save the leg after surgical repair so we amputated at the hip), that lasted to 16 years old, when I had to humanely let him go to heaven to wait for me. Anyway, when he started to have trouble going up & down stairs around 10 years old, I gave him glucosamine/ condroitin combo pill (the same kind that humans take but the veterinarian’s dose for his weight), & he never had a problem again. ?
September 6, 2015 @ 2:50 pm
My poor old Buddy gets up like the golden retriever did in the beginning of the video. He is 11 years old and not getting around as good as he once did. Arthritis has gotten him in his hips. We now give him joint care biscuits along with fish oil and aspirin for the pain. It seems to be doing pretty good for him.
September 6, 2015 @ 2:03 pm
The dogs they are blessed. This is a good video dedicated to them. God’s amazing creation.