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  1. Thien
    October 14, 2015 @ 7:24 am

    When Age of Conan first came out, gear was almost copleetmly useless. It meant PvPers had to have total twitch reflexes to stay alive. There will always be class imbalances,which made it occasionally a pain. But since gear makes such a huge difference, you can never really tell if it is pure skills or if its just total gear domination. I would like to see what would happen personally if gear was only pretty shinies and had nothing to do with giving an edge. But then you look at armor mitigation etc and the problem again arises how to balance a fight. Armor would have to have little impact save for shields being able to parry. With the current way of pvp fighting ie tab tgt and blast cool downs, there is little skill involved. If there were blocking moves and parries along with the cool downs, that would be wicked. The game design for WoW isnt meant for such activity though as it becomes a cool down race and not one of real skill per se. The game mechanics would need changing.If AoC wasnt such a big epic fail start and if they hadnt gone over to gearcentric combat, I would say AoC was the best venue for skill based twitch mechanics and movement. The idea was very sound, the execution of the game though was epic fail.


  2. Love
    February 6, 2015 @ 11:10 am

    I agree with you. It was funny how the goat looked up.


    • Dhaval
      October 14, 2015 @ 6:22 am

      Man, I love capped pens. I’d never chew on them I think that’s kinda nasty (definitely not a suitbttuse for gum!) but the ban is just silly. Pen caps are not inherently lethal; they’re just small, and it’s a bad idea to put anything small that you cannot chew in your mouth because if, oops, you happen to swallow it, you can either be lucky and poop it out or unlucky and have it lodge in your windpipe. I really do agree with Anonymous this is a sad case of natural selection at work.


  3. M D Norell
    February 5, 2015 @ 9:10 pm

    Don’t see what a peanut butter factory has to do with insurance, dumb…..


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