Robo Snow Plow
Do you dread shoveling the snow in the winter? Is your back crying out for help when you do? Well we’ve got just the thing for you: a robotic snow plow! These guys built themselves one of these after getting fed up with shoveling their driveway in the winter. Watch and be amazed!
What did you think of the Robo Snow Plow? Would you want one if it was mass produced? Please let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.
Carl Gibson
March 30, 2014 @ 8:11 pm
I would imagine that a rubber track system would be beneficial on slopes, keep up the good work, I’m interested in purchasing a unit.
February 16, 2014 @ 8:31 pm
I saw on the news the other night that it sells for $8,500.00.
February 16, 2014 @ 10:29 pm
That’s a little too much for it, $8,500.00… I was thinking more like $4,500.00, but then again, the software alone probably cost that much.
February 19, 2014 @ 7:52 pm
I saw the $8,500.00 figure on some national news program.
February 20, 2014 @ 1:23 am
The price sounds right, because when new technology hits the market, it is always a steep price, and then later on the prices lower. This is a great invention and I’m sure a lot of people will be buying it. If it, snowed here like it does up North, I would probably try to get one too.
Martin Fisher
February 16, 2014 @ 5:15 pm
Great idea, well built,should make you some money! I’d buy one!
Robert Stiffler
February 7, 2014 @ 12:02 pm
Wow! It is awesome. You should go to Shark Tank and make billion of dollars. Let me know where I can buy it. Thanks
February 1, 2014 @ 12:01 pm
Wow Amazing!
February 1, 2014 @ 11:01 am
I have seen a video like this before. I think that there is a good market for this type of product. People with long driveways and sidewalks would find it a good investment.