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  1. Edd Clifford
    October 16, 2020 @ 1:41 pm

    how does one “learn” to use a pressure washer like that? Is there a class offered at the local art school?


  2. Jonathan Simmons
    October 16, 2020 @ 1:22 pm

    This man is a very, very talented artist! He has obviously mastered the concepts of producing small, but proportionate sketches with that pressure washer. This dude is GOOD! Given his talents en re “proportions”, I encourage him to try his hand sculpting. Use clay and then convert it into something more durable. His talents entertained and amazed us (possibly with the exception of the broad who thinks that every spare moment should be devoted to the “poor”.) I salute him!


  3. Lea Reedy
    October 15, 2020 @ 9:28 pm

    that is pretty awesome. Unfortunately I don’t have a concrete drive way or I would try something like that myself. Not sure if I have an eye for the detail work that he put into it. I might be able to spell some words though…lol


  4. Marianne Trace
    October 15, 2020 @ 12:45 pm

    Just because you have money and got your artwork ‘on the air’ to be seen by more than 10 viewers doesn’t mean anything to me. Way more folks have drivways that didn’t get the attention you thought was deserved. Put your mullah to better use and do something for the poor.


    • Jonathan
      October 16, 2020 @ 1:30 pm

      Do you think that you know WHY there are “poor” people? Do you believe that GIVING them food, clothing, etc. will turn them into productive citizens? Those folks, by and large, are “poor” because they make poor decisions. Sorry, but that cannot be changed by receipt of a free sandwich.
      For the most part, being “poor” is just what they DO. And…remember that “poor” is a RELATIVE term. OUR “poor” have lots of food, color teevee, flush toilets, beer, cigarettes, lodging…just…a LOT of things that someone living ANYWHERE in 1850 couldn’t even IMAGINE such luxuries!!!!!!


  5. Ron
    October 15, 2020 @ 10:48 am

    Incredibly talented…


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