Puppy Golden Retriever Comforts Older Dog during Nightmare
This new puppy to family quickly makes a friend. When the older dog is having a nightmare, the sweet puppy is there comforting him. A very heart warming video.
What did you think of the kind hearted puppy? Please tell us in the comment section below.
July 14, 2014 @ 11:47 am
A wonderful video filled with animal love and care.
July 14, 2014 @ 12:22 am
So precious and sweet. Love these animal videos. Thank you!!!
July 13, 2014 @ 9:33 pm
You can definitely feel the canine love
July 12, 2014 @ 10:14 am
Bet pup was looking for a treat. Didn’t get one so went back to snuggle the big dog. Sweet …