Teddy Bear the Porcupine Finds a Christmas Treat
This adorable talking porcupine is named Teddy Bear and he has found a Christmas treat among the presents this year. If you listen very carefully you can hear him say “Santa.” He sure is one happy porcupine.
Do you like porcupines? Do you find them cute? Would you keep one as a pet? Please let us know using the comment section below.
December 25, 2013 @ 6:05 pm
They should be left in the wild, however I would feed them outside.
December 25, 2013 @ 11:18 am
A porcupine as a pet would be weird. Lol. It is chewing away at the corn and kind of sound like a puppy. With 4 corns, it looks like it will take hours for it to eat all the corns, at the rate it is going. Lol!