Feeding Piranhas in a River in Brazil
Remind us not to go swimming in any rivers in Brazil before checking with the locals. Here you will see what happens when chunks of meat are thrown into this particular river. HORRIFYING!
What did you think of these hungry piranhas? Please tell us your thoughts on these terrifying fish in the comment section below and share it with your friends.
May 27, 2015 @ 2:30 am
Maybe the good thing is that they keep the rivers clean! Maybe….
April 6, 2015 @ 3:16 pm
any thoughts to poising those hefty slabs of meat? I would feel better without those fish around. Anyone know if they do anything good??
March 22, 2015 @ 2:57 pm
Good Gracious!! Looks like thousands of piranhas in that water, eating at the same time. Wonder do they bite each other or eat each other. I heard there are different kinds of piranhas from the discovery channel. Wow, this video is Crucial!