it’s 2011. there have been editing programs out for decades now that could have produced a pink kitten. No need to actually torture the poor thing into a different hue.
sorry but it bothers me a little bit when people start to talk about things they know nothing about. i’m a professional pet groomer, and yes i dye pets. i use a 100% pet friendly dye, and im pretty sure i have use this color before too. i have a happy healthy 16 year old white minature poodle ( that i have dyed since she was the age of 3) with amazing skin and coat. to be perfectly honest with you judgemental people i would be more concerned with the pet owners that lets there animals get so matted they have sores on there skin, let their nails grow till the feet are in constant pain,let them get infested with fleas ticks ear mites you name it, never bath there pets, buy the lowest of the low foods, or never take them to see a vet. those are the animals i feel sorry for and the owners that ” peta” should be called for. so my advice would be not to worry about the little pink kitty that is obviously getting groomed probably eating premium food and also getting bucket loads of attention.
i had a white dog and my kids dyed him with blue raspberry koolaid once and the stuff would not wash out he also smelled good enough to drink, four packs of unsweetend kool aid dang it all! at least they made him blue and not pink i dont think he would want to look like a girl!! and my kids went on and tye died their t-shirts with it!!!
person who hates whoever did that
December 24, 2010 @
11:43 am
ya idsactly IF they used animal friendly die but i highly doubt they did it was probably a bunch of freaks who stole there little sisters cat and died it i bet u $5 that cat is dead know so whoever did that here is a message for u : fuc u and dont ever hurt another animal again or i will call SPCA.
Oh come on if she used animal friendly dye nuthin would be wrong or do harm to the kitten you can go to where you can buy speical dye its not are dye it is a special bend even if they were to lick their hair after wards nuthin would happen its really safe
May 17, 2011 @ 6:16 pm
it’s 2011. there have been editing programs out for decades now that could have produced a pink kitten. No need to actually torture the poor thing into a different hue.
March 30, 2011 @ 1:14 am
I think it is cute but very cruel it might have been beetroot die which is natural.
February 24, 2011 @ 3:20 pm
you can use food coloring to dye animal fur … for all u idiots that think some one would use actual hair dye .
January 10, 2011 @ 11:50 pm
sorry but it bothers me a little bit when people start to talk about things they know nothing about. i’m a professional pet groomer, and yes i dye pets. i use a 100% pet friendly dye, and im pretty sure i have use this color before too. i have a happy healthy 16 year old white minature poodle ( that i have dyed since she was the age of 3) with amazing skin and coat. to be perfectly honest with you judgemental people i would be more concerned with the pet owners that lets there animals get so matted they have sores on there skin, let their nails grow till the feet are in constant pain,let them get infested with fleas ticks ear mites you name it, never bath there pets, buy the lowest of the low foods, or never take them to see a vet. those are the animals i feel sorry for and the owners that ” peta” should be called for. so my advice would be not to worry about the little pink kitty that is obviously getting groomed probably eating premium food and also getting bucket loads of attention.
December 24, 2010 @ 2:40 pm
i had a white dog and my kids dyed him with blue raspberry koolaid once and the stuff would not wash out he also smelled good enough to drink, four packs of unsweetend kool aid dang it all! at least they made him blue and not pink i dont think he would want to look like a girl!! and my kids went on and tye died their t-shirts with it!!!
December 24, 2010 @ 11:44 am
u know this reminds me of that thing on the news where some assholes decided to beat up a baby dear with baseball bats
December 24, 2010 @ 11:43 am
ya idsactly IF they used animal friendly die but i highly doubt they did it was probably a bunch of freaks who stole there little sisters cat and died it i bet u $5 that cat is dead know so whoever did that here is a message for u : fuc u and dont ever hurt another animal again or i will call SPCA.
November 12, 2010 @ 7:33 pm
Oh come on if she used animal friendly dye nuthin would be wrong or do harm to the kitten you can go to where you can buy speical dye its not are dye it is a special bend even if they were to lick their hair after wards nuthin would happen its really safe
October 27, 2010 @ 5:37 pm
omg so cute did you know that where do you get a pink kitten lol i already know that you dyed it!!!!!!!!!!!!(duh)
October 27, 2010 @ 5:33 pm
wow you dyed it right i actullay wish i had a pink kitten i just love cats so much