People Are Awesome – Sept. 2015
For the month of September 2015, Best Of compilation features a whole load of awesome people and one awesome dog!
What did you think of this awesome people compilation? Please let us know in the comment section below and remember to share the video and sign up for our free newsletter!
M D Norell
October 4, 2015 @ 10:41 pm
October 4, 2015 @ 2:41 pm
Compilation of hours and hours of training and practice resulting in awesome feats not often seen. They are all so unique and even scary when considering the possibility of failing the right move—especially the gymnastic one.
October 4, 2015 @ 12:41 pm
They were all awesome and unbelievable. The person riding the bike down the hill on the trail was a brave one. Also, the gymnastic one was unbelievable. Great Awesome video for September!