Otter Jumps Onto Boat Escaping Orca With Seconds To Spare
This is the dramatic moment a genius otter being chased by a killer whale hops onto a boat for safety with just seconds to spare. In the incredible footage, captured in Halibut Cove, Alaska, on Sunday July 26, the otter is first seen roughly 200yds away from John Dornellas’ boat, swimming frantically as the orca follows. As it reaches John’s boat the otter swims around the outside, looking for a safe haven to climb onto as the orca closes in. Eventually, the otter jumps up onto the transom of John’s vessel moments before the whale arrives at the surface just feet away. John, 37, revealed a game of cat-and-mouse followed, with the otter hopping back into the water in an attempt to get away, only for the orca to chase it back up again three or four times. His fellow captain, Chantrelle Major, also filmed the moment from her vessel nearby, with the orca then circling John’s boat in search of the otter. Eventually, once the orca had distanced itself from the boat, John, working with Coldwater Alaska, an exploration company providing boat trips in the area, headed for his next pickup in Halibut Cove Lagoon and when at a safe distance the otter plunged safely into the water. John later discovered the orca, ID number AT163, was the largest in its pod. What did you think? Please leave a comment in the section below and remember to share the video and sign up for our free newsletter!
July 18, 2021 @ 12:34 am
Great rescue. Smart otter. Must’ve sensed you were the best option. Glad you were there. Let the whale eat fish!
August 26, 2020 @ 1:11 pm
Loved the video. Glad the otter escaped.
I Recently viewed a wonderful video of a Dolphin who rescued a dog who slipped off a boat without a mother & daughter not realizing the dog was missing from the boat for quite awhile. The dog was struggling to swim and struggled to keep his head out of the water. The Dolphin saw the dog in trouble, swam to him and then swam under him so as to lift him up. The Dolphin lifted the dog onto his back and with the dog on his back, the Dolphin swam to the boat as the mother and daughter watched the rescue. You could see how grateful the dog was that the Dolphin helped him back to boat. You could also see how happy the Dolphin was to be able to rescue the dog. After the dog was back on the boat, he barked as if to say “Thank you.” The Dolphin did a flip as you see in Dolphin shows at Aquariums. Then the Dolphin came back to the boat and lifted his face up to the dog. The dog lowered his head and they kissed each other. It was an amazing video. To video tape such a rescue, I visualized scuba divers under water, with a waterproof camera following the dog and the Dolphin. It was heartwarming. If you can find this video, I’m sure your subscribers would love to see it.
August 11, 2020 @ 10:53 am
I think the “otter” was actually a sea lion
August 10, 2020 @ 2:13 pm
So relieved Orca didn t nudge or come up under boat. Ama,zing experience.
August 10, 2020 @ 1:31 pm
This was an amazing video. Although Orca whales have to eat, that otter was just the cutest! Love it’s face!
August 10, 2020 @ 10:44 am
It’s true stories like this one that makes this website well worth the time viewing and reading. Keep videos like this coming and you’ll never hear me complain. And on a funny note, it’s a wonder those sea captains didn’t wet their pants.