The “ole rolling store merchant” would even “barter”(if you had no money to buy) for chickens, eggs,or anything of value that they could re-sale or “swap” to others. They had rope-plow shares-plows-seed-can goods-fruit(apples-pears-watermelons-cantalopes-pickles-peas/beans etc.)A Wal-mart on wheels!
There “use-to-be” “Rolling Stores” with “everything on them”(cow feed-buttons-eggs-baking powder-overalls-bolts of fabrics-shovels/pick axes-soft drinks-laying mash-(cracked corn)needles/thread (You name it)in the mid-forties in many counties in Alabama…(fashioned like the one pictured here)
I’ve seen things like this on the Travel Channel a few years ago. I like how people can come up with stuff like this. Looks like it would be fun for a short vacation or week-end get-a-way.
December 12, 2011 @ 11:47 am
The “ole rolling store merchant” would even “barter”(if you had no money to buy) for chickens, eggs,or anything of value that they could re-sale or “swap” to others. They had rope-plow shares-plows-seed-can goods-fruit(apples-pears-watermelons-cantalopes-pickles-peas/beans etc.)A Wal-mart on wheels!
December 12, 2011 @ 11:35 am
There “use-to-be” “Rolling Stores” with “everything on them”(cow feed-buttons-eggs-baking powder-overalls-bolts of fabrics-shovels/pick axes-soft drinks-laying mash-(cracked corn)needles/thread (You name it)in the mid-forties in many counties in Alabama…(fashioned like the one pictured here)
December 4, 2011 @ 5:34 pm
the old travelin peddlers wagon.i could not resist..
December 3, 2011 @ 5:09 pm
Hey, guys, we have several of these in TX. They are short-term comfortable, affordable, fun, and good for conversation…..
December 3, 2011 @ 4:40 pm
I’ve seen things like this on the Travel Channel a few years ago. I like how people can come up with stuff like this. Looks like it would be fun for a short vacation or week-end get-a-way.