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  1. Jean
    September 19, 2009 @ 4:51 pm

    Well if everyone is going to fess up so will I. I have two children,five grandchildren and five great grandchildren and I am so glad they all live close enough to me to visit a lot. I too wear heels and color my hair and use perfume live in blue jeans and weigh 130 lbs. I was a grandma at 39 and a widow at 44 so all my life has not been a bed of roses but I thank God that I am able to play tag and make cookies and I painted the inside of my house last month after helping my husband paint the outside which he and I did by ourselves. Thank you Lord for your mercy and blessings. Yes, I too am 71.


  2. Yvonne
    September 19, 2009 @ 4:04 pm

    I too am older but feel the same as I did at 30. itry to be nice to everyone . keep a posative attitute. wear my high heel color my hair and put on


  3. Barb
    September 19, 2009 @ 3:39 pm

    I too like you answer Lloyd. We can’t help getting older, but we don’t have to get old. Thank the Lord for each birthday he grants me, and the good health I have at 71.


  4. Sadie
    September 19, 2009 @ 3:09 pm

    Love your answer Lloyd. May I use it sometimes? Katie, when I wake up in the morning I always say, ‘Good Morning Lord and everyone’.


  5. Lloyd Revalee
    September 19, 2009 @ 1:53 pm

    When someone ask how old I am, I say: A bit older than yesterday – a bit younger than tomorrow.


  6. Jean
    September 19, 2009 @ 12:52 pm

    @Katie I so agree with you which means of course that I am not young anymore either.


  7. Katie
    September 19, 2009 @ 12:09 pm

    No, no, no. There are old friends and old memories that are forever.


  8. Katie
    September 19, 2009 @ 12:07 pm

    @okosisi abagana
    Some of us “OLD” folks are forever young. Conditions never change, there is always hopes, dreams and the sun rises and sets.


  9. Ernestine
    September 19, 2009 @ 11:56 am

    I was taught that the only things that get old are money and clothes…LMAO


  10. okosisi abagana
    September 19, 2009 @ 11:11 am

    4 everything, there is a time, time to be young and time to be old.
    i m 27now and sometime in d future will get to 70, its a different condition alltogether thats life cycle 4 you.


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