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  1. Grid
    December 12, 2024 @ 9:19 am

    Many years ago before my youngest married she was cooking Thanksgiving dinner for his parents and him. Some grease spilled and there was a fire in the oven. She yelled for Jason to get an extinguisher. None in the house. Well go see if Sally has one! Jason ambled up the hill, knocked on the door. Sally said Happy T’giving Jason, how ’bout a Coke? So they were having a Coke and Sally asked why Jason was up there. Oh, Kristen needs a fire extinguisher. The turkey caught fire. Sally went nuts, said go down to the Lodge (steak house) and get one. Jason ambled down to the Lodge, asked the cleaning crew if they had one. Nope, all built in. How about a coke? Sure. Same conversation as at Sally’s, but he thought he’d beter go homre. Jason ambled back down the hill, fought his way through the residual smoke to see Kristen and his parents sitting at the table, having a drink, looking at a shriveled, crusty, black carcass on the dinner table. Kristen smiled sweetly and told him to get a jacket, he was taking them out to dinner–and she didn’t mean Mickey D’s, either! (Jason is a great son-in-law, laid back, non-smoker, non-drinker, great carpenter. It wasn’t all, but I gave them several fire extinguishers for their wedding).


  2. Ruby
    April 23, 2012 @ 12:12 am

    Nope, was’t expecting Pa to be under the wagon.


  3. Tinoma
    April 13, 2012 @ 8:35 am

    Oh so funny I didn’t see that coming at all… thank God it was only a joke….


  4. Lola
    April 12, 2012 @ 2:10 am

    Geez, I must be getting slow. I never saw that one coming. I thought for sure the farmer was feeding the boy the corn, now how slow am I? Duh!!


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