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  1. Jurate
    December 19, 2016 @ 9:52 pm

    You sound like a happy person, not 😉


  2. Mark Starwich
    December 4, 2016 @ 2:38 am

    OH MY …What a Cutie “”” Reminds me alot of my Kitty { Mr. Brown } The Mother left two new Born ed under our Front Porch…Stayed around awhile and then disappeared after a Week or so…but , we did get him and his Sister fixed first…..So they adopted us and that has been ten years now….they are the Best Kitties we ever had….and we are Elders,,,and they do like to Talk !!!! and sleep with me…which I do enjoy alot……P.S kUDO’S To the owner for taking such good care of her ..and they do Love another…It shows A ” Great Video” I now watched it twice and I will save it !!!


  3. Jasmine
    November 30, 2016 @ 9:03 pm

    A Maine coon cat is much bigger, plus the coloring is black, brown & orange, real fluffy, weighing from 10-15 pounds. This looks
    more like a Persian cat. I had one with same coloring but a lil’ more full, beautiful cat, it’s baby was called Dusty, fit perfectly.
    Loved this video, all the animals too. Beautiful country…….????


  4. Jasmine
    November 30, 2016 @ 9:02 pm

    A Maine coon cat is much bigger, plus the coloring is black, brown & orange, real fluffy, weighing from 10-15 pounds. This looks
    more like a Persian cat. I had one with same coloring but a lil’ more full, beautiful cat, it’s baby was called Dusty, fit perfectly.
    Loved this video, all the animals too. Beautiful country…….????


  5. Love
    November 29, 2016 @ 9:00 pm

    That is a blessing and a good thing for God’s creation to be loved and cared for like that. God bless him. Great video!


  6. vera Australia
    November 29, 2016 @ 6:46 pm

    This video was magical loved it, all the animals get on so well it’s lovely to see what a fantastic place to live for everyone,
    in the word’s of Spook may they all live long and prosper love the cats color too same as my fur baby Dog Zoe I tell everyone she’s that color cos she lives with Me poor Girl haha


  7. Della
    November 29, 2016 @ 1:04 pm

    I LOVED this video… Of course I (we) LOVE CATS TOO…
    And we had a cat that looked just like yours… We named her Daisy..
    But she sure didn’t like going for rides or ANYTHING that took her
    away from home.. Does your cat matt?? Our’s SURE DID!
    I DO believe your’s is even more spoiled than ours was!


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