“Rich or poor, Does’nt make a difference, because you can’t take it with you, when you live this World, you go with NOTHING!! Furthure more, Ever heard of a rich Person living past 90 years old?? I have’nt!! BUT I’ve heard of a lot of poor people getting past that age. Aloha”
No offense you’re kinda dumb!
Rich or poor, Does’nt make a difference, because you can’t take it with you, when you live this World, you go with NOTHING!! Furthure more, Ever heard of a rich Person living past 90 years old?? I have’nt!! BUT I’ve heard of a lot of poor people getting past that age. Aloha
These are the people that are providing 750 billion dollars to save their way of living and increasing our deficit by an equal amount. It makes no sense to borrow money to provide for the very rich while cutting education, infra-structure and the like to do so.
sitting on my brains for 14 hours a day for 2 weeks … $710.10/Au a fortnight, disability pension…..what was i thinking…. Lol….Durrrr…. Numb Bum ….Numb Brain…Motivation Skills Zilch!!!!…..Lol….Who needs all that money any way? …. I am who/what I am i give what i can to charities… etc….@ least I am not just a $ sign :))) Whether your a small ripple in a pond or the brightest star in the universe be Happy…. because you exist in a part of the worlds intricate fabric of Life!!!!!
January 13, 2011 @ 5:08 am
January 9, 2011 @ 3:10 pm
“Rich or poor, Does’nt make a difference, because you can’t take it with you, when you live this World, you go with NOTHING!! Furthure more, Ever heard of a rich Person living past 90 years old?? I have’nt!! BUT I’ve heard of a lot of poor people getting past that age. Aloha”
No offense you’re kinda dumb!
January 6, 2011 @ 3:18 pm
Rich or poor, Does’nt make a difference, because you can’t take it with you, when you live this World, you go with NOTHING!! Furthure more, Ever heard of a rich Person living past 90 years old?? I have’nt!! BUT I’ve heard of a lot of poor people getting past that age. Aloha
January 4, 2011 @ 8:49 pm
These are the people that are providing 750 billion dollars to save their way of living and increasing our deficit by an equal amount. It makes no sense to borrow money to provide for the very rich while cutting education, infra-structure and the like to do so.
January 4, 2011 @ 1:44 am
Money is not everything in the world!!!!!!!!! As long as you r healthy and happy that is all what counts. my kids and family are my wealth in life.
January 4, 2011 @ 12:30 am
sitting on my brains for 14 hours a day for 2 weeks … $710.10/Au a fortnight, disability pension…..what was i thinking…. Lol….Durrrr…. Numb Bum ….Numb Brain…Motivation Skills Zilch!!!!…..Lol….Who needs all that money any way? …. I am who/what I am i give what i can to charities… etc….@ least I am not just a $ sign :))) Whether your a small ripple in a pond or the brightest star in the universe be Happy…. because you exist in a part of the worlds intricate fabric of Life!!!!!
January 3, 2011 @ 11:48 am
Maybe these two guys would bail out the medicare fund shortage. We sure could use that.
January 3, 2011 @ 11:41 am
Maybe these two guys could bail out the medicare fund upcoming shortage.
January 3, 2011 @ 9:24 am
…why learn basketball???
…Bill Gates didn’t play bsktbll…
January 3, 2011 @ 12:01 am
I need to learn how to play basketball. Seriously