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  1. lovey
    August 5, 2009 @ 5:29 pm

    well…all of you that are negative, beware of what you write. MJ was and will forever be BAD..Elivis was nothing to the world what did he do for the people? did he GIVE money to the charities? what about NEVERLAND?
    no, all evil did was shake one hip and pump drugs on the other…(lol)
    I am, and will always be concerned about the children left behind. id you hear that MJ has a 25 year old son?
    Billie Jean must have been his lover huhg?


  2. Ching
    August 5, 2009 @ 12:28 am

    lol boy did they get that wrong

    RIP king of Pop


  3. Brenda
    August 2, 2009 @ 8:49 pm

    Lynette you are not an old crow or a freak unlike others will they ever quite putting this in the news you would have though he was god the way people talk thats what should be in the news


  4. Judy
    August 2, 2009 @ 6:36 pm

    Lynette– not everyone lives in a closed mind, I take it you don’t appreciate good music so go in your cave and eat your bannanas cause you are the freak!! M. J. gave the world some great music and his dance moves were fantastic,, you old CROW–


  5. sylvia warren
    August 2, 2009 @ 9:29 am

    Michawl was a truly great performer, a tortured soul, a good father from what is told. Worked extremely hard at his profession. No, he didn’t solve the world’s problems, but he did bring a lot of good feelings to thousands of people. If people believe all they read about people in the public eye, then they are ogmpramt of how the news media behaves.


  6. pimpster
    August 2, 2009 @ 2:34 am

    he cant rest in peace becuas they cant fine where they wanna barrie him and thats fucked up if u ask me


  7. Barb
    August 1, 2009 @ 7:36 pm

    All i can say about Michael is that he was a good dancer.Some songs wasn’t too bad.


  8. Lynette
    August 1, 2009 @ 7:24 pm

    Who cares about Michael Jackson? What did he do for the world other than scream around the stage clutching a microphone? I save my admiration those who really do some good, not carry on like a freak.


  9. memyselfni
    August 1, 2009 @ 2:48 pm

    well it must be said by someone …. no he will never be forgotten because the news will not let him rest in peace.


    August 1, 2009 @ 11:26 am

    oh how i miss him & the dancing & singing brought such great pleasure to my life i loved him then & forever& may he bring his greatness to Heaven for the Angels to enjoy now REST IN PEACE THE GREAT MICHAEL JACKSON for you will not be forgotten xxooxx 4ever & always


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