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  1. Jean H
    August 24, 2010 @ 12:14 am

    Does anyone have some extra figments of imagination to donate to caster? He really needs something to make his life a little interesting. As for ufo’s THEY ARE OUT THERE! GOD made us, earth and everything on it in seven days so He has had plenty of time to do other worlds to and I believe he has. Christ said” I go to prepare a place for you so that where I am you will be also.” Where do you think he preparing these places? INTERESTING, YES?


  2. Margaret
    August 23, 2010 @ 11:54 pm

    Caster, you are correct. I don’t believe anyone’s opinions. I
    believe the Bible. Of course, everyone could argue all day, which I
    refuse to do.
    By the way, everyone keeps asking Caster what planet he is from.
    Since he doesn’t believe in UFO’s, you can bet it is planet Earth.

    As for the mermaid……I believe.


  3. miche
    August 23, 2010 @ 8:42 pm

    …leave caster alone…he’s been abducted and brainwashed and believes every word the voices in his head tell him…


  4. jelly bean
    August 23, 2010 @ 6:01 pm

    Caster what makes u think that in this entire universe planet Earth is the only 1 to have life on it? I think God is capable of making many different intelligent species then just us.


  5. bigal
    August 23, 2010 @ 3:15 pm

    omg where are you from caster? Unidentified Flying Objects are NOT like mermaids…If you ask the right questions of the right people you’d know. The credible evidence exists and any one that cares to look will find the documentation. Many scientifically credible people have reported them. Natives of New Mexico and many Air Force personnel trained to be aircraft observers have had experiences. Check the facts for yourself.


  6. bigal
    August 23, 2010 @ 3:10 pm

    omg where are you from caster? Unidentified Flying Objects are NOT like mermaids…If you ask the right questions of the right people you’d know. The credible evidence exists and any one that cares to look will find the documentation.


  7. caster
    August 23, 2010 @ 3:27 am

    Not real, very very untrue. There are no such things as mermaids, thet are make-believes and a figment of our imagination, just like the UFOs.


  8. Sue
    August 23, 2010 @ 1:37 am

    @meza That was a good one Meza


  9. meza
    August 23, 2010 @ 12:21 am

    must have pined away waiting for her sailors ship to come in!!!!!


  10. Jean H
    August 22, 2010 @ 8:41 pm

    WOW!!!! WEIRD!!!! Looks so real.


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