Meet Italy’s Lifeguard Dogs
In the midst of Italy’s hot summers—when the beaches are full of swimmers—the lifeguards keeping everyone safe bring in some much-needed, four-legged assistance. We’re talking about water rescue dogs. Dogs make ideal lifeguard partners as they remain calm under pressure and instinctively choose the safest path through the water currents back to shore. They can even stay afloat while paddling multiple swimmers to safety. Through his Italian School for Lifeguard Dogs, Ferruccio Pilenga has trained more than 350 volunteer pups to execute water rescues. Now THAT’s a good dog! What did you think? Please leave a comment in the section below and remember to share the video and sign up for our free newsletter!
February 4, 2020 @ 8:40 am
I love dogs! They can be so helpful, smart and strong!