Lost in the Seventies – No Turning Back
Get Your Groove back on with a nostalgic trip through the 70s. Lava lamps, mood rings, pet rocks, 70s movies and TV, and historical events during the Nixon and Carter years. What did you think? Please leave a comment in the section below and remember to share the video and sign up for our free newsletter!
February 4, 2019 @ 5:26 pm
That sure brought back memories. Some of the pictures went by too quickly but loved the video.
January 20, 2019 @ 9:24 pm
Many good memories for sure. Slow pictures just a bit!!
January 18, 2019 @ 12:19 pm
The lava lamps are still cool to this day. Great things to still have
January 18, 2019 @ 10:31 am
I recall all of this the good ole days i still have my lava lamp, my cassette, player and my mood ring, saved all of them