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  1. Jean H
    June 14, 2010 @ 9:54 am

    @ CHER WAY TO GO!!!!!


  2. jelly bean
    June 14, 2010 @ 9:25 am

    Hooray for Cher!!!!!!!!!! My feelings exactly!!!!!!! Try being nice to each other for a change!!!!!!!! It would make the world a whole lot better place for everyone!!!!!! Think to yourself, before speaking, is this the way I’d want one of my love ones to be treated? Maybe a grandchild down the road someday? You can’t see the future, so you don’t know if there is a fat person in yours.


  3. cher
    June 14, 2010 @ 1:06 am

    i dont normally comment but i am about to delete this feed from my email bec of the crap.noone is going to sit in a chair in line unless they r in pain or have a medical condition.and even bozo knows when you have bum body parts you cannot exercise..whats funnier is i don’t even think this woman is obese.just a little more to love.and if her grandson wants a cheeseburger, i don’t think she should hide in her house bec some ignorant individual is going to insult her.NOONE is perfect.and obesity is NOT just about over eating and lack of exercise.after the birth of my son years ago i had to SIT on a chair to work a cash register AND i gained 100 pounds. turns out i was diabetic and had a slipped disk that was causing tremendous back pain. i lost the weight and can now run 5 miles a day. but i still endured painful jokes.personally i find anorexics more insulting to the eye..but you don’t see comment filled jerks running after them threatening to shove cake down thier throats do you?and i did serve in the military i dont feel it gives anyone a reason to be so ignorant.if the world would try to get along and stop throwing insults, there would be no need for friend, brother, sister, father to die fighting bullshit wars.i go on these joke sites for a ha ha and then i read all the after day its the same crap…tell me where the rule book is so i know when i have earned the right to be an ignorant ass.BTW my best friend committed suicide and in her letter she talked about all the insults on her weight and how hard she tried to lose it…after she died they found the tumour that was causing her weight gain…isnt that sick? she might still be alive if it wasnt for some ignorant bastard who thought his shit was cherry flavored..look in the mirror point out your own me there isnt an overweight person who doesnt KNOW they are overweight.. you don’t need to point it out.and yes there are some military posts where you are NOT allowed to enter certain facilities in BDUs that included some fast food joints.and most people really dont care about punctuation or spelling when trying to get thier point if i missed something feel free NOT to let me know i am rather disgusted w the mentality of you shut you shut up..nah nah nah so there..WTF? grow up
    i also know the average gestational period of an elephant, how many cards it took to build the biggest card house, why chickens stop laying eggs in winter,and about 1,000 other useless facts that really doesnt make me any smarter than the rest of you, who think your all that n a cherry flavored shit turd…did MY comment make me sound psycho? HELLOOOOO thats what u all sound like……a bunch of ignorant bickering children..if u wanna fight join a cause.. a real cause like finding a cure for cancer or feeding starving children HERE in the USA…i am the type of person who sees my neighbor needs help i put on my shoes and help..not stand there and laugh. if a handicapped individual drops a can in the store instead of nudging your friend and laughing bend over and pick it up..and if you see an older woman sitting in line//step back and offer her YOUR place in lineand maybe one day when YOUR in her shoes the favor will be returned….now go polish your bald head, tape up your saggy tits,smoothe out your wrinkles, pick your nose, hide the fact you have dentures, and pretend your not a little chubby yourself, better yet find your testicles after all those years of steroids, your gonna need em…just so you can insult someone else..


  4. Jean H
    June 14, 2010 @ 12:00 am

    @Carla-OO-RAA!!! You are so right!


  5. Carla
    June 13, 2010 @ 6:54 pm

    Betty? since when is it wrong for a man in bdu’s to ENTER any establishment where food is prepared? I worked IN fast food and in the mess clubs a long time. as long as he’s polite and all he’s good to go. besides you shouldn’t BIT*H about that man standing in line you should be saying to HIM THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME THE FREEDOM TO RUN MY MOUTH!!!!!!!!!


  6. jelly bean
    June 12, 2010 @ 10:56 pm

    @Mich, yes, u r right, but sometimes there r medical reasons or family history that can cause obesity, even some medicines can cause it. I am sure alot of obese people would love 2 be thin, but unless u have walked in their shoes, u can’t automatically assume things about them. I just want people 2 start caring 4 others because of what they r, not because of their appearance. Remember, variety is the spice of life. If we all fit the same pattern, no one would be n e more pretty or attractive then n e 1 else.


  7. anabelle
    June 12, 2010 @ 8:03 pm

    51, 52, 53…yes, i’m nearly there…


  8. Mich
    June 12, 2010 @ 7:40 pm

    I’m with Frank also,,, you become obese by the eating and exercising CHOISES you make,,, she is obviously consuming more calories than she is burning,,, and I’m NOT judging anybody – I’m stating FACT –


  9. jelly bean
    June 12, 2010 @ 1:35 pm

    for God’s sake & our own.


  10. jelly bean
    June 12, 2010 @ 1:34 pm

    @meza, betty, pookie, & ann, thank you all, just my point, there are other reasons for that lady sitting down. As for Margaret, you just judged me, so why don’t you take your own advice? I was not judging Frank, I was disagreeing with his statement! The 1st thing he mentioned is her obesity, he has no way of knowing what she was going to order, unless he’s psychic, thank you!
    As I said originally, I am soooooo tired of people putting each other down because of the way they look! Start acting like fellow human beings for GOD’S


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