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  1. Suzanna
    October 16, 2012 @ 11:16 pm

    I messed that up I know-I repeated myself in the first sentence-sorry about that-lol!


  2. Suzanna
    October 16, 2012 @ 11:14 pm

    My girls fell asleep while they were eating at least a couple of times while they were eating-of course I didn’t have a video camera-but what I usually did was try to wake them up & if that didn’t work, I’d wipe their faces & take them to get ready for bed. And I did chuckle when they fell asleep. I even took a picture of one of them. I don’t think it’s as bad as everyone’s makeing it out to be. Yeah, if they just kept videoing them for any longer would be kind of cruel, instead of just taking them & cleaning them up & putting them to bed.


  3. Lola
    October 15, 2012 @ 9:00 am

    Gem…it would only take 1/2 second to have a child or anyone choke. And if you re-watch the clip again, as I did, the child on the right put food in his mouth, didn’t chew it, and drifted off to sleep. And then listen to the mother say: “No, I didn’t get all of it.” A 30 second clip, I think not. It was more than a 30 second clip apparently. And if I can find out how to get this on you tube (as I’m computer illiterate) I sure as hell will put my comments on you tube.Never used you tube before, but if Suzanna talks me through this, then I will definitely put it up. And for the ADMINISTRATION of 1 Funny.oom what is wrong with you, allowing this to be put on the internet? Are you condoning this as well?

    Gem you don’t have to be a parent to see some sort of danger here. It could happen to an elderly person, an animal, anything/anyone that is alive, and may die because something like this people find funny. And I really can’t believe that you think that at the beginning of this clip the children look wide awake….wide awake they aren’t!!! Sorry Gem, but you are so far off base on this, I can’t even speak about it to you anymore.


  4. gem
    October 15, 2012 @ 8:36 am

    @Lola: I’m not a parent. Maybe that is why my perception is skewed. But, in defense of the parents, in the becoming of the clip those kids look wide awake and both parents were present. I don’t think taking a 30 second clip was outrageously negligent. Maybe slightly. sorry to have ruffled your feathers. I’ll speak noore about this.


  5. Lola
    October 15, 2012 @ 8:21 am

    Gem: I’m sorry that you feel that way. But I never once ever fell asleep in my food as a child or as an adult. And yes, I do find the parents negligent. When children, adults, animals are that tired, take the food away, wait until they are wide awake to enjoy it, then give it to them. When someone is that tired, they need their rest more then they need the food. NO I STILL DON’T FIND THIS FUNNY, AND YES, I FIND THE PARENTS NEGLIGENT!! AND I DON’T CARE HOW YOU THINK I’M OVER REACTING TO THIS TO TELL YOU THE TRUTH, I’M ANGRY, REALLY ANGRY THAT ANYONE WOULD FIND THIS AMUSING ESPECIALLY IF THE CHILD WOULD POKE A FORK IN HIS EYES/FACE ETC.,AND/OR CHOKE ON THE FOOD WHILE SLEEPING. I DON’T WANT TO READ IN THE PAPER ANYWHERE THAT A CHILD OR CHILDREN DIED WHILE CHOCKING ON FOOD WHILE FALLING ASLEEP, NOR, DO I APPRECIATE PARENTS VIDEOTAPING THIS AND FINDING IT FUNNY. Even the hospitals don’t allow patients to lay down in bed to eat, if you’re too tired and can’t eat sitting up, the food tray gets taken away. You can ask for food later. What is wrong with you? This is above and beyond negligence as far as I’m concerned, and you condoning it makes me wonder what kind of parent you are.


  6. gem
    October 15, 2012 @ 4:18 am

    Sorry guys, I think you are all taking this way too seriously. I don’t think in any way these kids were in danger. Kids have been falling asleep in their food forever. I’m sure even some of you did as kids. Would you call your parents neglected?


    • Lynn
      October 16, 2012 @ 6:37 pm

      I agree! Gem taking it way too serious….


  7. Lola
    October 15, 2012 @ 1:08 am

    I agree with all of the above posters. But more than that, I’m so angry that they didn’t take the food away from the children and put them down for a nap in lieu of eating. What if they chocked on their food? Would the parents be laughing then? And the parents wouldn’t be laughing if they were charged with murder for allowing the children to eat while falling asleep. NO THIS ISN’T A FUNNY VIDEO, AND I’M VERY ANGRY AND UPSET BY IT. CALL ME ON THE CARPET ABOUT IT, BUT I REALLY WANT TO CALL THE PARENTS ON THE CARPET ABOUT THIS INSENSITIVE VIDEO ON TWO BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN THEY COULD HAVE EASILY LOST IF THEY CHOCKED TO DEATH!!!


    • Suzanna
      October 15, 2012 @ 3:18 am

      Lola- I think you can go to YouTube & look up that video & comment on it would get across to the public faster that way.


      • Lola
        October 15, 2012 @ 8:52 am

        Suzanna,sorry I’m computer illiterate and don’t know how to get onto you tube. If you talk me through it, I would be more than happy to put it on you tube. I’m so upset by this video, it’s like watching an accident/murder to happen. Then to listen to the mother say: “No, I didn’t get most of it!!!” OMG don’t get me started.


  8. Joyce
    October 14, 2012 @ 8:56 pm

    There was neglect of the child by the parent or person filming this video. The child on the left had a fork with the tines facing upward and very dangerous with the child’s face falling within an inch of it each time he fell forward. He could have had an eye disaster.
    Some people are just eager for “attention” on YOU TUBE, etc. and don’t notice the danger around their children. I CALL IT NEGLIGENCE!


  9. mary bare
    October 14, 2012 @ 6:33 pm

    that was so sweet..they must have played hard that day…its not funny, but cute..


  10. Jean H
    October 14, 2012 @ 11:26 am

    HEY! Wash their faces and lay them down. Not funny


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