In a crowd at the airport one afternoon, my daughter who was about three years old, saw two men with fat bellies, she screamed out loud “Wooo watch two big fat bellies” I was so embarrassed and the people around laughed out loud.
Only men can think that if they have a big belly that they are cute somehow. It’s that whole women are from Mars and Men are from Venus or vise versa, lol!
May 20, 2010 @ 7:34 pm
In a crowd at the airport one afternoon, my daughter who was about three years old, saw two men with fat bellies, she screamed out loud “Wooo watch two big fat bellies” I was so embarrassed and the people around laughed out loud.
May 19, 2010 @ 2:52 pm
Hey you men that look like this…STOP smiling and showing off your fat bellies and GO ON A DIET!! It is NOT cute.
May 19, 2010 @ 8:04 am
Men with big belly are not normal, they might either be drunkard or sickle cell, or they like eating too much junks food.
May 18, 2010 @ 5:35 pm
Only men can think that if they have a big belly that they are cute somehow. It’s that whole women are from Mars and Men are from Venus or vise versa, lol!
May 18, 2010 @ 5:11 pm
They would not be able to handle all the aches and pains us women go through!