Jimmy Stewart on the Final Carol Burnett Show
Jimmy Stewart’s appearance on the final Carol Burnett Show, which aired March 29, 1978. There’s also Carol and Tims discussion of gimmicks after the clip as well. What did you think of this surprise appearance of Jimmy Stewart on Carol’s final show? Please let us know in the comment section below and remember to share the video and sign up for our free newsletter!
October 1, 2016 @ 11:48 am
Miss great shows like this, good comedy, not vulgar. They were just fun!
August 19, 2016 @ 9:14 pm
Well that was so funny loved it what a terrific show
March 18, 2016 @ 7:00 pm
A wonderful great show of all times. Carol Burnett sense of humor and love for what she does is one of kind.