Incredibly Touching Stories About Unusual Animals
“These frames capture the amazing stories of animals with disabilities, who, with the help of kind people, got a new life. There are people who are not indifferent to the fate of disabled animals, they make prostheses for injured animals, take care of animals with diseases and defects, help them in rehabilitation. They are truly amazing people with a kind and deep soul. This is a touching and at the same time motivational video. Happy viewing!” -Podborkin. What did you think? Please leave a comment in the section below and remember to share the video and sign up for our free newsletter!
February 25, 2021 @ 6:05 pm
Loved this, and the people that care for them, so very special! God Bless them! The people that helped these animals are Wonderful! These stories are so Wonderful. Thanks you for sharing, they sure are a spirit lifter. Thank you so much.
February 20, 2021 @ 1:54 pm
Absolutely incredible stories. What doctors and engineers can do for humans they can and should do for animals. All the humans who help the animals have a special place in heaven. The story about the huge elephant with the prosthetic leg was superb as were all the stories. Though I love humans I love animals more. I think that videos like this should be shown in all the schools from grades K to 12 and there should be studies that the students learn about all of this kind of thing. They could start with basics in Kindergarten and move up the class all the way to 12th grade.
February 20, 2021 @ 12:52 pm
Where is this place DName, Address ??
February 20, 2021 @ 12:50 pm
Where is rhia center? U.s/ sTATE ??location?
February 20, 2021 @ 12:06 am
thank you to all the beautiful people that show that even for animals they are special
February 19, 2021 @ 6:56 pm
That was a very touching video, one which I will not forget in a hurry. Thank goodness there are beautiful caring people out there that can take care of these animals. I saw the movie regarding the dolphin with no tail, a very moving and Beautiful story. Thank you so much for sharing and G0D BLESS.