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  1. margaret l. clickner
    January 12, 2020 @ 7:45 pm

    I have had that same thing for years, doctor just said nothing could be done – that it had been too long. Now I am 77 and think
    a new medication has caused a metal taste in my mouth, fried foods taste bitter. I keep wanting something that will taste good and it just not happening. It is bad to get old and no joy in eating foods. I hate to cook, and almost everything is bad quality fried food when I go out and makes me sick at 3 a.m.


  2. Dan Hammond Sr
    January 11, 2020 @ 12:14 pm

    Two years ago, as the result of medication(s), I lost not only my sense of taste but my sense of smell too. When I eat food, it is my memory of what it tasted like or smelled like that I have retained. Insofar as my loss of smell. Occasionally, I get a hint of the smell of items I come into contact with. Otherwise, both senses seem to be lost forever.My primary care doctor has not been able to offer any solution to this dilemma. One positive thing, I can now eat foods that I did not care for in the past or foods that had a distinct taste or smell that I did not care for. Tasting or smelling from memory is all I have left. I am open to ‘real’ solutions that could or will restore both my sense of taste and smell.


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