Geez, and I thought that my dogs were huge…lab/chow/miniature collies, weighing in at 100 lbs, the other weighing in at 80 lbs. It costs me a fortune to feed these guys of mine, but I wouldn’t be without them. I taught them “sign” and other verbal commands. I can only imagine how much it costs to feed the dogs in these pictures…and the grooming…whew!!!! I just bathed both my dogs today, and I needed help with my son, never could have done it alone. We bought them a swimming pool, and even though they are labs were terrified…however, the water was warm sitting in the sun, nice bath water, but the shower hose was cold. I think that is what they hated the most. My one dog actually laid down in the pool while bathing him, the other 100lb dog is a “big whimp” such a baby…but you gotta love them.
May 31, 2013 @ 9:23 pm
My daughter has a pool for her dogs, they love it.
These are some very beautiful dogs.
May 31, 2013 @ 4:52 pm
Geez, and I thought that my dogs were huge…lab/chow/miniature collies, weighing in at 100 lbs, the other weighing in at 80 lbs. It costs me a fortune to feed these guys of mine, but I wouldn’t be without them. I taught them “sign” and other verbal commands. I can only imagine how much it costs to feed the dogs in these pictures…and the grooming…whew!!!! I just bathed both my dogs today, and I needed help with my son, never could have done it alone. We bought them a swimming pool, and even though they are labs were terrified…however, the water was warm sitting in the sun, nice bath water, but the shower hose was cold. I think that is what they hated the most. My one dog actually laid down in the pool while bathing him, the other 100lb dog is a “big whimp” such a baby…but you gotta love them.
Mary Daniels
May 31, 2013 @ 3:34 pm
I just love big dogs! They are sooo huggable!
May 31, 2013 @ 1:10 pm
Wow!!! This is what I call, “The Big Dog”…Love them.