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  1. Margarette
    November 5, 2009 @ 10:05 pm

    Six people enjoyed dining together at midday. At 2:39 p.m., when they were presented the tab,they each owed $7,870.18 per patron. They are all sitting in a jail cell right now waiting for arraignment planning their next meal out together.


  2. Roy
    November 5, 2009 @ 9:22 pm

    Nick,why don’t you check and see where Vietnam came from and who was President at the time. Also check and see how much of our oil is produced in this country. We could produce all that we need if the government did not tell the oil industry where they can not drill and more and more of the oil rich lands are being put off limits to oil production by the Democrats who want you to live in a Socialist society where they control everything.
    If you think socialized medicine is so great you need to talk to people who live in Canada or Great Britain.
    The reason they have the great insurance and retirement benefits for our political servants is because the people keep relecting them and not paying attention to what they do while they are in Washington.
    We all need to stand up and like you said kick them all out and pass amendments to the constitution to limit senators and representatives to one term and no retirement and no special health care benefits.
    Social Security and Health Care would be fixed if all of our servants in Washington had to use the same system that we do as taxpayers.
    You have a Blessed day


  3. zanu
    November 5, 2009 @ 9:11 pm

    It doesn’t tell how many people ate when they ordered these foods..
    maybe in included the dining set and kitchen wares as take outs..


  4. Jean
    November 5, 2009 @ 8:53 pm

    @NICK Excellent speech but seems to be a little redundant towards the end.


  5. nick
    November 5, 2009 @ 7:47 pm

    VN:F [1.7.4_987]

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    Rating: 3.3/10 (4 votes cast)
    How would you love to live like this ? The Soils of The Rich Enjoying the Spoils of the mid-Class and [poor][People][Americans]. That will never understand just h0w the Wall Street Boys and Girls, The Good Old Boys and Girls & All of those living in such Rich Styles As , AIG,The Banks and All of The Bail out moneys we will never see again, while they finish us off:Taking away our homes and means of jobs,Jacking up the price of gas Oil and by {Products]. The Politations and Special Interest Boys And Girls are doing all of this because we let them, One day it will All be coming to an end if Americans stick together Like The Rich Politations seperating you, The[ Average Jane and Joe From all your Tax Moneys] On All of These Phoney Wars Killing off our Soldiers, Son’s and Daughters and Leaving behind their Dead Bodys To Grieve over and the Others that live Trying to find Arms and Legs and Special Places that May Fit there Bodys with all of there Special Needs.
    I think that the average guy and gal thought that the Good Black side and the Good Asians And the Good Latinos and the good whites side to get this country and us and our Soldiers all out of this mess that George W, Bush and Friends got us into , Look at how they are raising oil, Gas and by Products that come from oil Like tires Chemicals all in which you are paying such high taxes and the Politations and The President Obama are Giving All of these Tax dollars back to the Good old Boys & Girls And the Republican Party, For they still want us as there slaves but, cant say this, because it will tell every thing that they are saying about all of this behind There closed DoorsBecause we out-lawed Slavery but dident out law the politations Special Interests in Taxing us to death while they They spend this kind of money off our Labors Sweat and what ever else they can get from us what next ? They will be giving there selfs higher wages along with the medial Care out of our tax dollars can buy for them but, not for us with our own moneys, Why Dont they stop all of George W,Bushs Phoney Wars and Fear and give us our Health Care that they have, they only work for us, and get the very best in every thing,How come this ever came about ?
    Now that the Electric Cars are coming in, replacing the oil gas,They want to tax our milage with monitors on our All Electric cars, what next ? They wont be happy until They tax our Children and there Children to pay for all of there spending While Americans are trying to figure it all out , it will be to late for they will Win if we don’t stand up to them ,
    While They The Filthy Rich Live in all of these luxury’s , They are going to get it all after They finish us Off with There special Chemicals in our airs called [The Swine Flu] Notice I dident say H1M1 .See you all at the voting boths and this time lets fire them all that Aren’t working for us,,, back to where they came from ,And crawled out of , [ Hell ],
    How would you love to live like this ? the Soils of The Rich Enjoying the Spoils of the mid-Class and [poor][People]Americans. That will never understand just h0w the Wall Street Boys and Girls, The Good Old Boys and Girls & All of those living in such Rich Styles As , AIG,The Banks and All of The Bail out moneys we will never see again, while they finish us off:Taking away our homes and means of jobs,Jacking up the price of gas Oil and by {Products]. The Politations and Special Interest Boys And Girls are doing all of this because we let them, One day it will All be coming to an end if Americans stick together Like The Rich Politations seperating you, The[ Average Jane and Joe From all your Tax Moneys] On All of These Phoney Wars Killing off our Soldiers, Son’s and Daughters and Leaving behind their Dead Bodys To Grieve over and the Others that live Trying to find Arms and Legs and Special Places that May Fit there Bodys with all of there Special Needs.I think that the average guy and gal thought that the Good Black side and the Good Asians And the Good Latinos and the good whites side to get this country and us and our Soldiers all out of this mess that George W, Bush and Friends got us into , Look at how they are raising oil, Gas and by Products that come from oil Like tires Chemicals all in which you are paying such high taxes and the Politations and The President Obama are Giving All of these Tax dollars back to the Good old Boys & Girls And the Republican Party, For they still want us as there slaves but, cant say this, because it will tell every thing that they are saying about all of this behind There closed Doors, They wont be happy until They tax our Children and there Children to pay for all of there spending On Just what picture you see on the top of this E-mail ,
    While Americans are trying to figure it all out , it will be to late for they will Win if we don’t stand up to them ,
    While They The Filthy Rich Live in all of these luxury’s , They are going to get it all after They finish us Off with There special Chemicals in our airs called [The Swine Flu] Notice I dident say H1M1 .See you all at the voting boths and this time lets fire them all that Aren’t working for us,,, back to where they came from ,And crawled out of , [ Hell ],


  6. shorty
    November 5, 2009 @ 7:25 pm

    I go to White Castle for $4.00 sometimes can’t afford that.


  7. raye
    November 5, 2009 @ 7:13 pm

    Hey you people, Lets just eat everyday like that that way we can have a FAT A$S like them.


  8. Kittyluvr
    November 5, 2009 @ 6:05 pm

    I don’t even make in a year what they spent in the one meal. If they want to throw away money like that, spend it on those of us who really need it, the poor. Geez.


  9. Jean
    November 5, 2009 @ 6:01 pm

    Don’t know how anyone would manage to stay rich eating like this every day. I think this is outrageous (the prices). They sure will not see me as a customer. LOL


  10. Kendra
    November 5, 2009 @ 4:40 pm

    OMG i wouldnt pay that! Who would charge 2 parmesean (yes i spelled that wrong but i dont care) 28.00!!! Jeez! lol 🙂


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