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  1. Lola
    October 4, 2012 @ 12:17 am

    Lin, Suzanna e-mailed me this evening, she’s hoping that you will contact her regarding your condition. You may reach her here. She said that her address is above Pinky’s name, but I don’t see it. I don’t have her address here at my desk, its somewhere among my hospital papers. So Lin, please contact Suzanna here. I’m just a messenger for now, which I don’t mind. Just sorry that I don’t have her address handy, but once you read this you may be able to figure it out. Feel better. I swear it’s in the water, we’re all feeling puney!!!! Prayers to the heavens on high for everyone here.


    • Lin
      October 4, 2012 @ 12:38 pm

      Lola, I put my addy in for all you ladies but it says it’s being held for moderation…..I didn’t see her addy there either. Maybe the moderator could send it to you privately? Who knows? I’m Lin Moy on Facebook….


      • Suzanna
        October 4, 2012 @ 3:26 pm

        this is Suzanna. I don’t see your address but I see mine up there. It does say being held for moderation, but yet I see it(?). It’s in red letters (the email address)


      • Suzanna
        October 4, 2012 @ 3:33 pm

        What city or state do you live in? I see more than one lin moy on Facebook


  2. Joy
    October 3, 2012 @ 11:53 pm

    @Lin, Do you have fibromyalgia? I have had it for 28 yrs. Not long after my youngest son was born. I hurt 24/7, but worse on some days. Going to the chiropractor helps. I’m on a muscle relaxant that helps. Tylenol helps only a little. Sometimes I start cramping up, like a ‘charlie horse’, & my hubby knows right away what to do. He runs & gets me 2 Tylenol & 1 muscle relaxant & within minutes, I feel better. It ain’t fun! Also, you spelled agoraphobia right, except you left out the r. You’re afraid to leave the house. You will be in my prayers.


    • Lin
      October 4, 2012 @ 12:32 pm

      Joy, hi. I’ve had fibro close to 30 yrs. Started with allergys and yeast infections. i had one remission for 3 yrs. and I had a real life. The past 2 yrs. have been the hardest with more things thrown in the mix. i am on 2 nerve meds so can not have muscle relaxer they tell me it is to much. I try to pray for anyone with this. We need our own support group.


  3. Lola
    October 3, 2012 @ 10:26 pm

    Lin it is imperative that you drink more water than diet (anything), or anything with acid…e.g. tea, coffee, oj, etc. It is also imperative, that you do aquatic therapy if you can at the YMCA as often as you can. They offer scholarships for those that make less than $70,000.00 annually, you would only have to pay a small amount for the year. And last but not least, which I have done research on, go to a chiropractor (and check them out throughly, and get a massage for at least one hour one day a week). It will ease the pain with the aquatic therapy and watching your intake of food,nothing spicey, acidity etc. I will keep you in prayer. Be well,stay well, do the best you can and leave the rest in God’s hands. Remember God only gives His cross to those that he loves the most….He must really love me as I love Him, but sometimes I wish He would ease up a little, especially now with the pain I’m in. Good night dear friend. Keep us posted on how you are feeling.



  4. Lola
    October 3, 2012 @ 12:59 pm

    Joy: You most assuredly will be in my prayers. I have medicare A & B (not medicaid), I was told to get medicare not medicaid as they don’t cover such surgeries. I spoke with medicare and I won’t have medicaid, just medicare and my secondary insurance GEHA that will cover 100% of everything. I can’t have the surgeries done until December 1st, but I’ve been doing a great deal of research on it. You’ll have some pain but nothing like you do now. THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS DO THE PHYSICAL THERAPY,…PUSH HARD ON THE PHYSICAL THERAPY, THEY WILL GIVE YOU PAIN MEDICATION, BUT THE PHYSICAL THERAPY IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING I had a taste of what was going to happen in physical therapy, and basically it just knocked me for three loops. Slept for two days once I came home (and that was without the surgery). Joy, know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers and you’ll be fine. I’m looking forward to it both for you and me. Please keep us updated when you can.

    Peace, joy & love,


  5. Joy
    October 3, 2012 @ 3:07 am

    It seems like as we grow older, we have something or other breaking down. I also have knee troubles. Last year I was told the cartilidge in both knees was all gone & it was bone on bone, thus the pain. The right knee seemed the worse. I had several shots of cortizone. Then my Dr. said no more, do the surgery. I was to have total knee replacement, but……Medicaid changed policies/insurances. The first one didn’t approve me. I appealed twice. No go! So, I changed. After a month, we decided on surgery on Oct. 8th. Everything seemed fine. Then, on Sept. 24th, the nurse called & said they turned me down, but she was going to fight for me. I was to have ‘joint camp’ the next day. The nurse called & cancelled for me. Then, I was laying down, my hubby woke me & said the nurse called & said I was approved!! Hallelujah! I sure have a great nurse who cared enough to fight for me. I went to pre-op on Mon., the first. Surgery is still on Oct. 8th. All of you remnember me in your prayers.


  6. Lola
    October 2, 2012 @ 8:09 am

    To Pinky: In response to your question, yes, this is Ann. I changed my name for many reasons, how did you figure it out? In reference to the shots you got, probably cortisone for starters, then, Synvisc 1. The cortisone helped for awhile, but they can only give you so many steroides (spelling?) and need to stop that otherwise it will breakdown other problems in your knees/nerves. I can’t wear a brace (been there done that), using a walker if not at the right height sends excruciating pain in the pinched nerve of the siatica in my lower back. I have decided to go with the double knee replacement, I can’t take the pain, I want my life back and need to get off these pain killers. Just spent seven days in the hospital due to dehydration, low to nothing on potassium, sugar and sodium. found ulcers, hiatel hernia, two polips pre-cancer (if brought into the hospital a month later, I would have had colon cancer. Had a heart attack in the hospital, but I’m okay. Didn’t mean to write an “Epistle” need to iie down. The medication is kicking in and I’m not focused. Have a good day!

    In closing…to Lin…maybe the reason we’re all having knee issues because of the water we’re drinking…lol Have a beautiful day Lin. Let us all pray in unison for each other that we all get up on our feet soon (pardon the pun). Hey once we do, I think we should have some sort of reunion and celebrate….party on down!!!!


    • Lin
      October 3, 2012 @ 5:48 pm

      Lola, I should drink more water. Probably sprite un hinging my body. Fibro—yuckky illness. You don’t know what will hurt what day or change thru the day. I plan nothing. Just not worth it. Seven days in hospital would drive me nuts. Panic to agoaphobia. I could spell that but doesn’t look right. lol God bless all and to all a good night. Oh wait, not bed time yet.


  7. Lin
    October 2, 2012 @ 12:55 am

    That’s one skinny dog.

    Hope everyone’s knees get better. Mine and daughters aren’t in best of shape but both of us are heavy gals. Poor leggs. lol


  8. Pinky
    October 2, 2012 @ 12:22 am

    Lola is this really Ann? I also have a torn cartlage in my left knee.
    I wear a brace when I am going to on my feet. I have also had 5 shots of a new medicine that will replace the cartlage for a period of time. I had a round with MRSA 2 years ago and was lucky to survive it.


  9. Suzanna
    October 1, 2012 @ 3:16 pm

    I know service dogs do those type of things
    but doesn’t something about this particular photo looks a little phoney to me. Maybe I’m wrong ..just his position doesn’t look quite normal. Lol!


  10. Lola
    October 1, 2012 @ 2:35 pm

    Believe it or not my dogs do things like this for me when I ask them on command. I have a pinched nerve in my sciatica and a torn ligament in the cartlidge of my left knee. So if I drop something, or can’t get something, they are over 100 lbs, and know sign language and commands verbally. They help me so much, and it helps since I’m alone here.


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