Hello From The Inside
Hello (from the Inside) An Adele Parody by Chris Mann. What did you think? Please leave a comment in the section below and remember to share the video and sign up for our free newsletter!
Hello (from the Inside) An Adele Parody by Chris Mann. What did you think? Please leave a comment in the section below and remember to share the video and sign up for our free newsletter!
April 4, 2020 @ 9:44 am
Depressing. We need uplifting songs and hopeful ones for a future better than this. Be thankful you have a nice home to be in and friends you can facetime too.
April 4, 2020 @ 8:28 am
That was that was awesome made my day!
April 4, 2020 @ 8:16 am
i think instead of saying how bad it is. Be Thank full you aren’t sick and find some fun things to do. What a great time to Spring clean the house and let the children and mom and dad all help. Make it a fun time , laugh, sing songs. get some hobbies going.. I know it is a very hard time for many but with God’s help, we will make it. love everyone. Angelgirl.