Goats on a Tree 2
Goats are funny animals. Here are a bunch of them on a tree. Yes they are on a tree and we don’t know why.
What did you think of the tree goats? Can you explain why they are on the tree? Please let us know in the comment section below and remember to share the video and sign up for our free newsletter!
September 16, 2015 @ 6:53 pm
No tricks….there are more on Youtube, and yes it IS really fascinating. I just love them, especially when they ‘dance’…so, so cute!!
September 16, 2015 @ 6:28 pm
This gots to be a camera trick by the photographer.
September 16, 2015 @ 11:19 am
I’ve seen it all after this video. They had to have been placed there, I just wonder how they can stay so steady on the tree limbs as some of them are quite narrow. Thanks for sharing. This was a fascinating sight.