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  1. Karen K.
    May 1, 2016 @ 5:28 pm

    He made a mess, but at least he got out to clean it up. In Roanoke City (Virginia), they would have kept on going. They have a rule on brush piles left on the curb for them to pick up: It has to be 4X4X6 in order for them to pick it up. If not they will, now get this, leave an orange colored warning on the pile. *rolls eyes* Thank goodness I live in the City of Salem Virginia where we don’t have to worry about that. lol


  2. Love
    April 29, 2016 @ 6:10 pm

    Looks like he probably press the wrong button accidentally. Probably a saw bug or something inside the truck. It is good he got out to clean up the mess. I learned to keep windows rolled up when parking vehicle. There was a time when I would always leave my windows half way down when I’m at work. One day when I got off work. I got into my car and everything seemed ok. I got to driving on the road at night-time and about 5 minutes later some type of large flying camouflage insect bug flew past my face and landed on the dash-board in front of me. I cut on the interior light so fast to see what it was and there was a Big creepy looking bug on my dash-board. Almost Wrecked! Glad I was in the far right lane and had space to pull over off the road and swipe the bug off the dash and out the window. That was a Learning experience for me. That is probably what the trash man experience too


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