Funny Joke: πββοΈ Welfare Woman
A reporter learns of a woman who receives the highest welfare payments in town, and he is curious as to why…
So, he goes to the woman’s house to interview her.
After arriving at her house, he knocks on her door and a beautiful young woman answers…
The reporter introduces himself, then asks, “How old are you ma’am?”
“27,” she replies.
“And how many children do you have?” he continues.
“Ten,” she replies.
“Wow, ok, that explains a lot,” he says, taken aback…
“And what are their names?” he asks.
“Well, there’s Bob, then there’s Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, and of course, Bob.”
“They’re ALL named Bob?” he asks, even more bewildered…
“What if you want them to come in from playing outside?”
“I just call ‘Bob,’ and they all come running inside,” she explains.
“And if you want them to come to the table for dinner?” he asks.
“I just say, ‘Bob, come eat your dinner,’ and they do,” she answers.
“But what if you want just ONE of them to do something?” he asks.
“Oh, that’s easy,” she replies…
“I just use their last name.”
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