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A middle-aged couple have just finished having lunch together in the kitchen…
The husband, now feeling the heaviness of his meal, heads straight for the couch.
Just as he’s about to lie down, his wife’s voice cuts through the air like a whip…
“Oh no, you don’t!” she barks from the kitchen doorway, her arms crossed tightly over her chest…
“The lawn looks like a jungle out there. Get off your lazy butt and mow the lawn!”
The husband, already half in a daze from the food and the thought of a nap, snaps back, “Just give me 20 minutes. I’ll get to it after my nap.”
The husband stubbornly eases himself down on the couch, his body sinking into the cushions…
He kicks off his shoes, removes his glasses and places them on the coffee table with a sigh of exaggerated relief.
The wife knows that 20 minutes really means 2 hours and when he wakes up, he will just have another excuse not to mow the lawn.
So, she decides to take another approach…
“You know honey,” she begins, her voice no longer sharp but gentle…
“Without your glasses, you look just like the same handsome young man I married all those years ago.”
“Well,” says the husband, still desperate to get some shut-eye…
“Without my glasses… “
“You still look pretty good too.”