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Observing from a distance, the store manager watches with concern as a salesperson engages in a heated exchange with a disgruntled customer…
After a few tense minutes, the customer storms out of the store, leaving behind a notable air of frustration.
Approaching the salesperson with a furrowed brow, the manager’s disapproval is clearly evident.
“I saw what just happened,” the manager begins, his tone tinged with disappointment…
“And it seems you’ve forgotten our motto: “the customer is always right” .”
Apologizing, the salesperson attempts to explain, but the manager cuts them off firmly, “No excuses! The customer is always right!”
With a resigned nod, the salesperson accepts the rebuke, understanding the importance of prioritizing customer satisfaction…
Curiosity aroused, the manager presses on, “What exactly were you two arguing about?”
Reluctantly, the salesperson admits, “Well, you see sir… “
“He called you an idiot.”