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An eccentric philosophy professor gives a one-question final exam after the semester…
The class is already seated and ready to go when the professor picks up his chair, plops it on his desk, and writes on the board…
“Using everything we have learned this semester, prove that this chair does not exist.”
Immediately, fingers fly, erasers erase, and notebooks fill in furious fashion…

The students scribble furiously, attempting to refute the existence of the chair using every tool and theory they had learned.
One student, however, stands out…
He is finished in less than a minute!
His classmates glance at him in disbelief as he calmly turns in his paper and exits the room…
The tension in the room thickens as the rest of the students continue their frantic writing, each one wondering if they had missed something obvious.
Weeks later, when the grades are posted, the rest of the class is astonished…
The student who had barely written anything at all receives an “A”!
Puzzled, they gather around to see what he had written.
His answer consists of only two words…
“What chair?”

July 15, 2024 @ 11:55 am
That is awesome!