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An elderly woman is sitting on her front porch in a quiet neighborhood, enjoying the afternoon sun…
She sips on a glass of lemonade, relishing the tranquility.
Suddenly, she notices a young man approaching her gate, holding a pad and pencil…
He has a friendly but determined look on his face, as if he’s on an important mission.
Curious, the woman adjusts her glasses and calls out, “Whatβre you selling?”
The young man stops at the bottom of her porch steps and shakes his head with a polite smile.

“Iβm not selling anything, maβam,” he replies…
“Iβm the census taker. Every ten years, we go around to find out how many people there are in the United States.”
The woman raises an eyebrow, clearly intrigued but slightly puzzled…
She leans back in her rocking chair, considering his words.
“Well,” she finally responds, her voice tinged with a mix of amusement and bewilderment, “youβre wasting your time coming here… “
“Cause I have no idea!”