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A man from Texas strides into a bar, his cowboy hat slightly tilted and a broad grin on his face…
The place is buzzing with conversations and laughter, but he quickly captures everyone’s attention when he climbs onto a stool and clears his throat.
“Listen up, y’all!” he calls out, his voice booming, “I’ve got some big news! My wife just gave birth to a typical Texas baby boy… “
“And he weighed in at a whopping twenty pounds!”
The bar erupts in cheers and applause…

The patrons are amazed at the size of the baby boy.
Two weeks later, the same Texan returns to the bar, his presence immediately recognized by the patrons.
As he settles onto a stool, the bartender approaches him with a curious expression…
“Hey there, aren’t you the father of that twenty-pound baby?” asks the bartender, pouring him a beer…
“How much does he weigh now?”
The Texan takes a slow, deliberate sip from his beer. He sets the glass down and leans closer to the bartender…
With a proud twinkle in his eye, he says, “Fifteen pounds.”
The bartender is visibly puzzled, “Fifteen pounds? But he weighed twenty pounds at birth! What happened?”
“Well,” replies the Texan as he takes another sip of his drink…
We had him circumcised.