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A teenage boy goes to church to confess his sins…
“Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned,” he says, his voice a bit shaky, “I’ve been with a loose girl.”
There’s a pause, and then the priest on the other side of the screen speaks…
“Is that you, Johnny?” the priest asks, recognizing the voice.
“Yes, Father, it is,” Johnny admits, trying to keep his composure.
“And who was the girl you were with?” the priest inquires.
Johnny hesitates, knowing the priest expects an answer, but he also feels a deep sense of loyalty…
“I can’t tell you, Father,” he says after a moment, “I don’t want to ruin her reputation.”
The priest sighs, clearly not satisfied with this answer…
“Well, Johnny, I’m sure I’ll find out sooner or later, so you may as well tell me now, was it Patricia Williams?”
“Sorry, Father, I cannot say,” replies Johnny.
The priest’s voice grows a little more insistent, “Was it Lisa Davis?”
Johnny’s resolve strengthens, “I’ll never tell,” he replies firmly.
The priest, now a bit exasperated, tries again, “Was it Cathy O’Dell?”
Johnny crosses his arms, a hint of stubbornness creeping into his tone, “My lips are sealed, Father.”
The priest, now clearly frustrated but still calm, asks one last time, “Was it Brenda Jones then?”
Johnny leans back slightly, still refusing to budge, “Please, Father, I cannot tell you.”
The priest finally sighs deeply, a mixture of admiration and disappointment in his voice…
“You’re very tight-lipped, Johnny, and I must say, I admire that. But you’ve sinned, and you must make amends… “
“You can no longer be an altar boy for the next four months. Now, go, and behave yourself.”
“Yes, Father,” says Johnny, trying not to sound too relieved.
He exits the confessional and walks back to his pew…
His friend Tommy, who had been watching curiously from a distance, slides over and whispers eagerly, “So, what’d you get?”
Johnny glances around, making sure no one else is listening, then leans in close, a sly grin spreading across his face and whispers…
“Four months vacation and four good leads!”