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An old Texas cowhand comes riding into town on a hot, dry, dusty day…
The local sheriff watches from his chair in front of the saloon, as the cowboy wearily dismounts and ties his horse to the rail a few feet away.
“Howdy, stranger,” the sheriff greets him, tipping his hat.
“Howdy, Sheriff,” the cowboy replies, tipping his own hat in return.
The cowboy then walks slowly to the back of his horse, lifts the horse’s tail, and places a big, deliberate kiss right where the sun doesn’t shine…
With a satisfied nod, he drops the tail and strides up onto the wooden sidewalk, heading towards the saloon doors.
The sheriff, taken aback, stands up and calls out, “Hold on there, mister… “

“Did I just see what I think I saw?”
The cowboy turns around, nonchalant, and says, “I reckon you did, Sheriff… “
“I got me some powerful chapped lips.”
The sheriff, even more confused, asks, “And does that cure them?”
The cowboy chuckles and replies, “Nope… “
“But it sure keeps me from licking ’em.”