Funny Joke: Snail Errand
A bear, a moose, a fox, and a snail are playing cards around a table…
Suddenly, the bear lets out a faint roar and says, “Guys, I’m hungry, could someone go buy some chips or something?”
The moose shakes his head, and nods towards the fox…
The fox irritatingly slams his little paw on the table and mutters, “Why me? Why can’t the moose do it?”
The snail bravely interrupts the conversation before it gets out of hand, and says, “Guys, guys, there’s no reason to fight, I’ll go!”
The bear smiles a little, and hands the snail a few rolled-up dollars from his pocket, “Thanks man, I appreciate it… ”
“While you’re at it, buy something to drink, will you?”
The snail winks, grabs the money, and briskly makes his way out the door.
Half an hour goes by, then an hour, then an hour and a half…
Finally, the bear snaps, drops his cards to the floor, and yells…
“Hey, you know what, I think the little bugger took the money and just left!”
A small, yet fierce scream, then comes from near the door…
“If you’re gonna start talking smack about me… ”
“I’m just gonna turn around and come back!”
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June 20, 2023 @ 9:12 pm
good joke