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A priest, a doctor, and an engineer were waiting behind a particularly slow group of golfers one morning…
The engineer, who was quite frustrated, said, “This is absurd! We’ve had to wait here for 15 minutes!”
The doctor agreed, “I don’t know, but I’ve never seen such incompetence on the golf course!”
The priest said, “Hey, here comes the groundskeeper, let’s go talk to him!… “
“Hey George, what’s going on with that Group ahead of us? They’re pretty slow, aren’t they?”
The groundskeeper replied, “Oh, yes, that’s the group of blind firemen… “

“They lost their sight last year, when they put out a fire in the local chemical warehouse… “
“We always let them play for free.”
The three became very quiet.
Then the pastor said, “That’s sad, I think I will pray for them tonight.”
The doctor adds, “Good idea, I’ll check with my buddy, the eye doctor, maybe he can do something.”
The engineer shrugs…
“Why don’t they just play at night?”