Funny Joke: Redneck Fishing
Earl and Billy-Bob are strolling in the countryside, when they come to a bridge over a stream…
A man is on the bridge leaning over the rail as far as he can.
Curious, they lean over to see what he is doing…
They are surprised to see that he is holding another man by his ankles, who is hanging upside-down with his hands in the stream.
“Do y’all need help?” asks Earl.
The first man shushes him…
“Just watch,” he whispers.
A few minutes later, the upside-down man grabs something in the stream and flips it up to his friend…
It was a huge salmon.
Impressed, Earl and Billy-Bob continue their walk…
A minute later Billy-Bob says, “What say, the next bridge we come to… ”
“You hang me over the side, and I’ll bag us some salmon for our supper?”
Earl agrees, and at the next bridge, after a quick look around to be sure they aren’t being watched…
Billy-Bob goes over the side with Earl holding on to his ankles.
All is quiet for about ten minutes, then suddenly, Billy-Bob starts wiggling…
“Earl!” he cries, “Pull me up! Hurry!”
“Have you got a salmon?” Earl asks.
“Nope,” replies Billy-Bob…
But there’s a train a comin’.
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