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Bubba lands a job installing telephone poles for the local phone company…
At the end of the first day, his new boss asks him, “So, how many poles were you able to install today?”
“3 poles sir,” states Bubba proudly.
“That’s nowhere near enough, if you want to keep this job you’re going to need to work faster.”
By the end of the week Bubba had increased to 5 poles a day, but his boss told him that still wasn’t enough.
“I’ll give you one more week,” says his boss, “And you better be able to install 10 poles a day or you’re fired!”
Three weeks in and Bubba still can’t install more than 6 poles a day.
His boss is fuming, “Look over there!”
“That man installs 15 poles a day and you can’t even install half that!”
Bubba replies, “Yeah but… “
“Look how much he’s left sticking out of the ground.”