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A weathered old pirate walks into a tavern, his boots echoing on the creaky wooden floor…
As he approaches the bar, the bartender looks up and does a double take.
“Wow!” the bartender exclaims, “I haven’t seen you in ages!… “
“What happened to you? You look terrible!”
The pirate raises an eyebrow and replies, “What do ya mean? I feel just fine.”
The bartender shakes his head in disbelief and points down at the pirate’s leg, “What about that wooden leg? You didn’t have that before.”
The pirate glances down at his wooden peg leg and gives it a tap…
“Ah, that,” he says with a wave of his hand, “We were in a fierce battle, cannonballs flying every which way… “
“One of ’em took me leg clean off. But they patched me up good, and I’m as right as rain now.”
The bartender nods slowly, then his eyes widen as he notices something else…
“Well, alright then, but what about that hook? You didn’t have a hook for a hand last time I saw you.”
The pirate, now leaning casually against the bar, raises his hooked hand and looks at it as if it’s no big deal…
“Ah, that was another battle,” he says. “Boarded an enemy ship, swords clashing… “
“Next thing I know, some scallywag cuts me hand clean off. So, they gave me this hook… “
“It’s a bit tricky for scratchin’, but I’ve gotten used to it.”
The bartender nods again then says, “Okay, if you say so… “
“But what’s with the ship’s wheel sticking out of your pants? That wasn’t there before either.”
The pirate looks down at the ship’s wheel poking out from his trousers…
“Aye, that,” he says, with a hint of resignation…
“It’s drivin’ me nuts!”

September 1, 2024 @ 12:25 pm
Your “clean humor” has become “gutter” humor.
If this continues I will unsubscribe.